eliana's secret

So, this post will be containing about 5 questions which people asked me when I was in Taiwan. 1.        为什么你比他们白? (Why is your skin fai...


So, this post will be containing about 5 questions which people asked me when I was in Taiwan.
1.       为什么你比他们白? (Why is your skin fairer than them?)
-DON’T ask me, maybe it’s because of gene or hormones.
2.       为什么他们都会用头巾盖头? (Why do they hijab?)
-Because she is a Muslim and most of them actually used it.
3.       那为什么你没有? (Then why you didn’t use it?)
-Because I’m Buddhism.
4.       为什么你才来几个月中文就这么厉害?(You just came here for few months, why your Chinese is so good?)
-Because I’m an Indonesian Born Chinese (?)
5.       你是香港人/台湾人/韩国人吗?(Are you a Hongkong people/Taiwanese/Korean?
-我是印尼人。 (长得太国际化了吗)
-I am an Indonesian.

再次提醒,印尼人也有会中文的,印尼人大部分都很友善 (我好像不在里面)。我们也有穆斯林,也有基督教,佛教,印度教之类的。印尼很大,很多岛所以请不要问我印尼我都逛完了吗。

There are still many other questions such as does Taiwan a good place to play, have you done walking all the places in Taiwan? Kinda good; not yet.
Taiwan is a big place, I’m glad and grateful enough that I am not lost.
And FYI, Some Indonesians can Chinese language, and most of them are friendly. We had the Muslim, Christian, Buddhism, Hindu, etc. Indonesia is a large country and there are a lot of islands, so don’t ask me whether I had finished travelled around Indonesia or not. I have no money and not enough time to travel.

Stay tune, remember to share to your friend in case it is useful, follows my facebook fanpage :

ile ustimih