eliana's secret

Hi! I have been interested in blind eyes because of a Korean movie that I watched before. And I finally get to research and post abo...

Blind Eyes!

Hi! I have been interested in blind eyes because of a Korean movie that I watched before. And I finally get to research and post about it! There are few kinds of people with blind eyes, and these are some of them:

1.      Blind from birth - Nothing. I never saw anything. Therefore, I cannot see black because I do not know what black is. I see abyss as I do not now nor have I ever seen anything to have knowledge of what anything is.
2.      Went totally blind - Utter darkness - Staring into the depths of night. An endless hole that you could fall into but never come out of. Sometimes, there are little sparks of light like when you rub your eyes too hard, but this is not real light.
3.      Light Perception - Shadows - Shapes and figures but nothing really can be made out. I can tell if lights are on or off but that is about it.
4.      Legally Blind - Varies by person but generally - Looking through wax paper. I can tell large objects and familiar people. Things may either have to be very close or a certain color for me to see.
5.      Tunnel Vision - I can only see things straight in front of me. Although I can see these things clearly, they have to be really in front of me to see them. I may tilt my head funny to see them. I can't see anything on the sides.
6.      Counting Fingers (Forgot this Before) - This can range from 6 to 12 inches depending on the doctor. What it means is that when a person holds an object really close to the face, the person can see the object and literally count fingers. So it is purely subjective. Plus, this is not "useful" sight unless you are the person who is blind and then you can find all kinds of uses for it.

And there are two questions that people always ask:
1.      Do blind people wink? Yes they wink! Although it depends, some of them maybe hurt, trauma or injured so that’s why some of them cannot wink.
2.      Do they cry or produce tears? Yes they do!

Stay tune, remember to share to your friend in case it is useful, follows my facebook fanpage ile ustimih 
Credits: https://www.quora.com/What-do-blind-people-see-Do-blind-people-see-complete-black-or-is-it-an-absence-of-any-perception-of-color-in-a-way-that-I-could-not-experience
