eliana's secret

We are all afraid of falling sick and death. When we feel something weird happened to our bodies, we would usually freaked out and pani...

Should you check your symptom on website?

We are all afraid of falling sick and death. When we feel something weird happened to our bodies, we would usually freaked out and panic. I was once searched on website about the symptom I had and it was stated that I had Leukemia. Total freaked out!
I immediately tell my parents and let them bring me to doctor, and guess what? It turns out it was nothing! Some symptom shown on website is not totally right. So actually, you can search on website but make sure a lot of websites, do not immediately trust one website only! Do not be so pessimist for the result, do not assume to the worst. If things carry on to the bad way, you can just check up to the doctor! There are now actually some application which allow you connect to the doctor by asking them and telling them about the problems you have, your doctor will analyze and tell you what to do.
HOWEVER, it will be better if you could talk to your doctor face to face so your doctor could tell you the right conclusion about you yourself!

I recommend you to do check up a year twice, eventhough you think yourself not old and still healthy, but you never know what happened inside of your body? Maybe even right now your organs are eating other parts of your organs too!

Stay tune, remember to share to your friend in case it is useful, follows my facebook fanpage ile ustimih

credits: https://www.foxmedicalcenters.com/2016/12/22/medical-check-up-in-miami/